Monday, August 23, 2010

festival de vino!

This past weekend Kyle and I were very busy! We spent a lot of time working on the house, we now have some plants in the front yard which make the shredded tire much more welcoming. Kyle has been working on fixing a bench for us and a putting up a close line to increase the greatness of 95 Avenida Paris! (picture or possible video still to come).

But it wasn't a weekend of all work and no play, Kyle and I made it to the beach on Sunday where we watched men of all ages push wheel barrels and bicycle carts filled with snacks all over the beach. You could get a full meal from the comfort of your beach towel, shop for clothing, jewelry and even rent a horse without ever getting up. The weather here is perfect for the beach, strong sun, low humidity and a nice breeze.

On saturday Kyle and I went with Joy and Danielle (the other girls we teach with) to a wine festival that was being held in Ensenada. Most of the wine festivals in the surrounding areas are exclusive events but this one was open to the public. We had a great evening trying all the various assortments of wines, while listening to local bands and tasting local food.

Today we had our first day of school (without students). I completed a lot of preliminary work, and my classroom is finally starting to come together, it might be finished by tomorrow....maybe.

Kyle and I made a friend today too. He is a stray that was taken in by Ismael (our director and neighbor). Ismael is away right now so the dog took to the streets again. Kyle the girls and I befriended him and he hasn't left yet. I tried to return him to his home but he snuck out again.


  1. Hi Jess!
    He's a cute puppy! Does he have a name? I won't tell know how jealous she gets! Looks like you all are having a great time, I'm sure this is going to be an interesting year. love, mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aw fun.

    I like your street's name.


