Saturday, September 25, 2010

Down at the Port

Down at the port in Ensenada there is tons of wild life to view. Its my new favorite place to go. There are at least 50 sea lions that take over a floating dock in the middle of the port. Pelicans swarm and hunt from above for fish in the water. You can here the sea lions' "barking" from the top of our hill by our house. Kyle and I knew the sea lions were there but we couldn't find them. One day we finally came upon this dock and couldn't believe that we had actually had to search for them.

Its really neat to listen and watch all the animal life in their natural habitat, free from cages, glass walls and tanks. The number of the sea lions alone is impressive and the pelicans, lets just say I have a new found obsession :) This is a place I hope to take anyone who comes to visit.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Colegio Argentino

I know these pictures were promised to many people awhile ago, I finally got a hold of some of the school photos and yes of course, the famous picture of Kyle and I in uniform. Its actually a picture of the whole crew of English teachers!

The picture to the right is of Kyle and his students during the morning line up. Every morning the students line up by grade on the basketball court. They say a prayer together led by Mrs. Alejandra (the one speaking to the students) and review daily announcements etc. Notice how Kyle matches his students :)

The other picture to the left is Kyle's cuties again. 3rd grade...I'll have to get some pictures of my students soon although I don't think they'll be as willing to have photos taken. I'll have to do a sneak shot!

The final picture is of students at recess, I thought it was a good picture. Ralph, Matilda's husband took all of these photos. Matilda teaches 6th and 9th grade. They're from Canada, Ralphs a real neat guy, very supportive of his wife, he comes to school some days to help with planning or making copies, hence his photos. Hope this gives you a better idea of what the school is like. I'll take some pictures soon of the actual school and of my "little ones."

Friday, September 10, 2010

La Bufadora y Acampar

Last weekend Kyle and I went to see La Bufadora. Its a natural ocean geyser aka blowhole. It was really neat, definitely a huge tourist attraction, but we found a way to hang with some locals and get our own personal lookout spot of the Buffadora! The picture up top is taken from where we were camping. It was a beautiful lookout point, not a camp ground which was perfect for us. We had tried to go to La Joya beach campground and found it to be very displeasing. Hundreds of Mexicans with tents all pushed together in a huge rock hard dirt pit separated from the beach by a fence. There was loud music (that wasn't good), various different smells or different food and not a tree in sight. Needless to say this was not our ideal place so we packed up and headed further down the peninsula towards La Bufadora.

Down at the point we met this guy Ernesto who redirected us to his uncle Nacho's look out point, which is where we ended up
staying. There was nothing there but a clear patch of land to post a tent up on. The view was beautiful and there were plenty of little trails to walk out on, one of which went right down to La Bufadora. We got a clear view without having to be with the crowd of tourists.

At night we decided to head out to dinner. We were able to start a fire at our camp ground but we had no room to bring pots or cooking utensils with us on the scooter. The restaurant was really neat, it had indoor and outdoor seating, and a section that was technically outside but had glass around it to protect you from the ocean breeze. Kyle made friends with their cat Dora.

Right below is a picture of the Bufadora tourist zone taken from up where we were camping. It was neat to hear the music being played and watch all the activity below without actually being in the middle of it.

This last picture was taken by our new friend Ernesto. Traveling light on our little scooter, who would think you could go camping without a car!